Here are some bullet points to keep you posted on what’s happening, as we move forward from our crazy fast ticket sales yesterday. Geez, that was FAST! Now…. we are starting to proceed with more stuff. Thanks for your patience!
– BIG THING coming your wayyy….. the EVENT VOLUNTEER SIGN UP LINK! We will neeeeed you! Participation is the way of the Burn! These opportunities will include shifts for gate, greeters, the Spot, parking, LNT, etc. Other specialty volunteer opportunities for the more experienced Burners will include shifts for Rangers, Perimeter Peeps, Medical crew, DPW, Transport Drivers, etc. Stay tuned for more info about ALL of these things!
– There will be a form coming out for NEW THEME CAMPS to get on board! Have a ticket? Want to bring something awesome (camp, art, whatever) that you want on the map? There’s a form for that, and it’s coming! Stay tuned!
– Art Grant Info – We’re working on it, and that info will come! On that, so far, we’ve received over $500 in donations with ticket sales, and just general donations (so far!), and all of that money will go to our art grant program! THANKS to all of the donors for supporting TTATC ART!
– Be patient. Life gets a little crazy sometimes, and we are all doing our best. Things have been a bit extra rushed this year, and we are all still shaking the dust off from the craziness of last year! We’re slowly getting to all the things, and it will be OK.
– Transport – we have new plans for the this year, and more info will come about that as we solidify our plans. We are constantly reinventing, developing, and improving our systems!
– Vax and Covid info…. obviously these are hot topics! We won’t be requiring vaccinations, and more official info will come, but in the meantime, do your civic responsibility and get vaxxed!
– NO DRAMA! Don’t stir the pots, don’t feed the trolls, and don’t poke the bears. Just walk away. Causing or participating in drama will only cause more trouble, and it’s a good way to get banned from this group. Turns out actions DO have consequences!
– If you didn’t get a ticket and want one, don’t freak out. They become more available closer to the event, as people realize they can’t go or whatever. So hang in there and find the TTATC11 Ticket Exchange group!
– Beware of scammers claiming to have tickets! Research them, and for the love of cat balls, don’t EVER pay for anything with dumb gift cards, which is a sure sign of trouble if they ask for that! If you get scammed, we can’t help you.
– On our agenda – scheduling a full lead team meeting (leads stay tuned!), gathering essential crew to making everything happen smoothly, and reserving all of our required services and infrastructure stuff!
– We’ll do a full introduction of our full lead team, as soon as we have everybody put together and committed, so you know who to ask about what. If you have the answers to various questions now, feel free to answer, but if you just don’t know, just leave it to those that do!
– Thanks for PARTCIPATING! That’s how this all works, and is the true beauty of Burns! Together we create so many amazing things, and I can’t wait to see what this year will bring!
CLEARLY our list is LONG…. but we are getting it together…. thanks for your patience, and for staying awesome!