Things are happening, and I’d thought y’all might be itching to know what’s going on, so I figured I’d tell you some stuff! Let’s DO THIS THING!
– FYI, If you haven’t heard, I ended up having emergency gallbladder removal surgery a couple of weeks ago, and have been slowed down for a little while BIG TIME, but I’m slowly recovering, getting back at it, and am motivated again! LET’S GO!
– The C4 (Paulski, Jeffy, J5, and I) have met a couple of times recently, and we are putting the big stuff in place! Our full lead team will be meeting soooooon!
– Ticket sales will be Saturday, June 26, 2021 at noon (as previously announced), and more TICKET INFO will be coming at y’all TOMORROW! So watch for that important info!
– We are working on the full event schedule, which will include Effigy and Temple Burn times, and shall include the return of Speed Friending and our full event Formal! It will be GREAT to get back to big group stuff again! Last year was soooo weird, but at least we still did it!
– Our TTATC Formal this year will be called the CAT BALL! Hahaha
– YAY! I’m sooo excited!
– Updated SECURITY at TTATC is being implemented, so stay tuned for info about that…. big changes and upgrades are coming our way in that department.
– We’ve been discussing and writing up a Code of Conduct, and some more specific TTATCers FB group rules, both will be released soooon. Everybody just stop being naughty, and we’ll be cool! It shouldn’t be that hard! Haha! But seriously, we’re cracking down.
– Parking and Transport from the gate has been a big topic for us this year. We are working on ways to continually update and improve that process for everybody. Stay tuned for a slick new plan!
– The TO DO list is long, which includes contacting our established theme camp and event leads, working on important things like insurance and portos. We are starting the process of gathering up our Rangers, Medical Crew, Perimeter Peeps, etc. We will be creating the volunteer shift schedule for everybody, to hopefully release on our ticket sale date! Please sign up when it’s time! We neeeeed youuuuu!
– As I’ve said before, our schedule is coming on a bit extra squished and quick this year, but the world has been a WEIRD PLACE for a while (plus I’ve been personally delayed a bit extra recently! Gah!), but we are doing the best we can! Thanks for playing along! No matter what, and no matter what happens, TTATC lives on, and together we all MAKE IT AWESOME! HUGE THANKS TO EVERYBODY FOR EVERYTHING! Fire Mama