Did you miss my previous post?!? It included this information! Make sure to read all the things!
<3 General ticket sales happen on April 24, but in the meantime, there’s THIS! There’s a ticket link and everything! READ……
This year we are adding something new.. We are making 50 tickets available as ART SUPPORT TICKETS available for $250 each, and go on sale very soon! Some people in our community have more money than time, and have the ability to give more financially. These particular tickets will support our ever expanding Art Grant program. Maybe well sell 2? 20? 50 of these? We don”t know! But we do know that Burning Man has offered this program before, and like many Things we do, we follow the Burning Man lead, and so well give it a shot! Some will love this and some wont (if you don”t, this program isn’t for you), but were gonna try it out. Art Support tickets will go on sale Wednesday, Dec. 18th at NOON, just in time to give as holiday gifts, if your Thing! We will be making decisions and providing directed tickets to established camps and a few departments as usual, THEN we will see where we are at as of our Main Sale, and sell ALL that remains of our 500 ticket cap (up 50 tickets total each year as usual) at that time. May the ticket odds be with you! Don’t forget that tickets tend to bounce around closer to the event, so if it doesn’t happen for you during these sales, its not over! Lets make it happen!
Art Support ticket LINK!
Pretty sure there’s NO RUSH for these! These tickets will be available until General ticket sales in April! Thanks for supporting Burner Art!
<3 Fire Mama