Last week, most of our TTATC Lead Team got together, and proceeded to “Figure It Out!” This team is amaaazing, and it was SO GOOD to see everybody! The past 2 pandemic years had us basically barebones and struggling (but doing it anyways!). Somehow, we mostly held together through it all! Of course there will be occasional lead changes, but generally, people stick around, one way or another! This has given us the ability to continue to improve year after year with so many experienced people on this team and beyond. You guys…. this crew (with the help of volunteers across the board) makes TTATC really HAPPEN!
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce and thank our fantastic TTATC Lead Team!
Fire Mama – I guess I’ll start with ME! Ha! I’ve been directing TTATC (herding ALL the cats) since our start in 2012. I ran TTATC 1 and 2 (at the original Cabin) technically by myself, but with some great helpers, and started putting together our official TTATC Lead Team for TTATC3 (our last event at the Cabin before we moved to the CGC for TTATC4 – now), and fortunately, our team has remained impressively consistent ever since! Yeah, I somehow wrangle and oversee this whole crazy TTATC thing, with the help and support of MANY! This team is OFF THE CHARTS. I can hardly believe it. NOTE: The C4 (Core 4) does the big stuff – we meet frequently, and it’s awesome.**
*Paulski – C4 member, Placement, Drama Wrangler, Graphics, #2, and SO MUCH MORE
*Jeffy – C4 member, website, ticketing, tech MASTER, pro-hugger, the King of Dry Humor
*Jay – C4 member, DPW, Parking, heavy lifter, and extra AWESOME. Seriouslyyyy.
*Melissa – Volunteer Wrangler, List creator, Spot and Ice (Sales) Queen EXTRAORDINAIRE.
*Teresa – Our brand spankin new Medical Lead. She’s super cool, a fixer upper, and is ON IT!
*Jules – Perimeter/FAST (Fire Arts Safety Team) (co)Lead,. She will perimeter yo ass!
*Jason B – LASERS! Lighting up TTATC since 2013! Power and walkie master.
*Corey P – POWER! Big time – you have NO IDEA what this guy makes happen. Whoa.
*Alex – Gate Co-Lead, checking you in since 2013! His dedication is IMPRESSIVE.
*Jen – Gate Co-Lead, this is absolutely a 2 person job, and we are LUCKY to have her.
*Hawthorn – Ranger Co-Lead who has been rangering since the beginning of time.
*Queen B – Ranger Co-Lead, killin it in every way possible. She will RANGER your ass!
*Carrie – HPA (Hot Piece of ASSistant), helping us out in ALL THE WAYS! I luv her!
*Teddy – LNT, Spot Lurker, (FU, yo), basically this guy STEPS UP! Hardcore Burner – WOW.
*Ellen – VAG (Virgin Acclimation Group) creator and director, Are you new? She’s got you!
*Adam – Mama’s WI Friend, Caretaker, and the guy with the big truck that pulls people out of the mud! ! He’s a GREAT guy to have around!
***Honorable Mentions: Lauren, Alina, Jeremy, and J5 – who seem to be kinda fading away from our lead team these days…. but they are still around, have been AWESOME in so many ways for many years as part of our Lead Team, and we THANK THEM IMMENSELY. Seriously. Big love. Shifts happen.
*** I hope you have enjoyed my silly, but mega-serious introductions, and just know I could have gone ON AND ON about all of these crazy awesome people, in all the ways!
Be extra sweet to all of these incredible leads, give them a hand (sign up and show up for a VOLUNTEER shift!), and above all else, DON’T FUCK IT UP, and JUST BE COOL. We’re ALL in this together, which keeps it AWESOME!
Thank you from the bottom of my lil cat balls.
❤ Fire Mama