
That Thing at the Cabin

Burners and the Burner Curious are welcome to join us at The Cabin for a weekend of magical delights! All are welcome to participate in this community-driven weekend in a mini-city, temporarily created by us, for us! It is what we make it, and we’re going to make it amazing!

A weekend of camping, theme camps, art projects, music, fire, workshops, performances, an amazing effigy, and so much more awaits you at this incredible event. All attendees are participants – please sign up for a volunteer shift! Do you have something special you’d like to bring to this event? Let us know what you have in mind, and we can help you make it happen!

This event will follow the 10 Principles of Burning Man, which include such ideas as radical inclusion, expression, and self-reliance. We will practice leave no trace, decommodification, immediacy, and civic responsibility throughout the weekend. Communal effort, immediacy, and participation creates the magic of our community. Finally, we will be creating a no-commerce gifting society (no vending, nothing for sale). A gift is a gift, with no return expectations. What do YOU have to offer? Gifts come in many forms: time, hard work, stories, fun, useful and artsy items. Bring it on!

Everyone is welcome. We embrace radical inclusion at our event. Families are welcome and you are responsible for embracing the radical self expression displayed by all our participants.