TTATC12 Gate Hours
Ticket Specifics and Stuff
Vehicle Passes and RVs
COVID Policy Info

Are you ready for a long post with TONS of info?!?
Ok (deep breath)… Here we go! ………….

Gate Hours for TTATC12 Gen Admit:
Thursday, July 14: noon – 10 pm
Friday, July 15: 10 am – 10 pm
Saturday, July 16: noon – 2 pm
There will be ZERO admittance outside of these posted gate hours. Plan accordingly. No exceptions. We will be watching.

Only certain camps and projects will be allowed Early Admittance (EA) for set up on Wednesday, July 13. No EA pass? Don’t come early, duh! You’ll be turned away, and that would be sad and awkward for everybody involved.
*Anybody may leave the event at any time (however, after dark, there is no driving in the grounds allowed, and you’ll have to haul your stuff to your vehicle yourself, as no gear transport will be available for leaving after dark). As usual, there will be no re-entry to the event. Once you leave, you are gone for good.
*Event closes on Sunday, July 17th at noon.
Thanks for working with us on ALL THAT!

Main Sale Tickets
Y’all probably already know that our ticketing main sale happens on Friday the 13th of May at noon (CST). During our main sale, 2 general admin tickets, plus one Vehicle Pass or RV pass (keep reading for Vehicle Pass and RV Pass info!) will be available per transaction.
GA ticket – $111
Vehicle Pass – $12
RV Pass – $35
However, there are a few other ticketing things to wrap up before our main sale….

Low Income Tickets (LI)
This year we plan to award up to 12 LI general admission tickets (TTATC12 – 12, get it?) at basically half price, for just $55. To apply, you gotta fill out this form, and agree to sign up and complete two 2-hour volunteer shifts. You have until Friday, May 5th at noon to complete the application. Selected applicants will be notified by Monday, May 9th, and those tickets will need to be purchased between May 9 – 11th. (noon – midnight). Those that aren’t awarded a Low Income ticket obviously may still participate in our regular Main Sale on Friday, May 13th. Low Income tickets are non-transferable.
One Vehicle Pass will also be available to purchase with each Low Income Ticket that is awarded. More info about vehicle passes is coming up – so keep reading!
Link to the LI ticket application:

Directed Tickets
A specific number of regular priced general admission tickets ($111) will be awarded to returning theme camp and art project camps in good standing (previous TTATC Theme and Art camps- watch for an email inquiring about these sooooon!). These particular camps will be notified about directed tickets status by a specific date (TBA) and the tickets awarded must be purchased between Monday, May 9 – Wednesday, May 11th (noon – midnight).
One Vehicle Pass and/or an RV pass will be offered for every two directed tickets offered. Keep reading for more info about these special vehicle/RV passes!

ASS Tickets
As we’ve announced before, these are Art Super Support Tickets (ASS!)!
A handful of people have applied for these tickets already, yet only a few have actually paid for them so far. These tickets MUST be purchased by Wednesday, May 11th by midnight.
To reiterate the info about these tickets, you are able to purchase early tickets at a price that not only guarantees your ticket NOW, but also supports our Art Grant program in a BIG way! These tickets are available at $303 each. You still have time to snag one of these super special early tickets by clicking this link, filling out the form, and we’ll be in touch via email shortly with specific ASS Ticket purchasing instructions from there! We’ll check the forms for any more ASS applicants shortly after this post is made, and frequently until the final day to purchase, to make sure we get y’all! Stay tuned to your email!
*I’ll be contacting purchasers of ASS tickets via email specifically about Vehicle and RV passes, so watch for that!

Vehicle (and RV) Passes
Nope, this doesn’t mean you get to keep your car at your camp!. Like we did last year, we are going to allow people to drive into the event grounds, drop off your stuff, then move your vehicle to one of our parking lots, with specific direction from volunteers. Your vehicle pass will state your specific allotted time (1 hour or less) to have your vehicle in the grounds for dropping off your stuff, and then GTFO(!), parking your car for the duration of the event, with your vehicle pass prominently displayed in your car, in the parking lot
Although we plan to have gate hours until 10 pm on Thursday and Friday nights, there will be ZERO driving into the grounds after 8 pm, and we will provide the transport necessary from the gate to your campsite for you and your stuff, so that there are NO attendee cars driving around the event after dark.
As you may already know, one of the struggles at our amazing venue is having space for parking! We’re going to try a new program this year to try to keep all vehicles on site, which requires offering only a limited number of parking spaces. These passes won’t be expensive (only $12 each!), but will be offered in a limited number. We are going to offer 200 vehicle passes this year, and give this a shot. Obviously, carpooling is massively encouraged, and simply necessary to make this happen! We will be using our usual front, 2nd, and 3rd parking lots, plus we’re going to try something else new this year and use the back of our RV lot for overflow parking with zero parking at the clubhouse. Hopefully we can stay organized with this new parking plan, but please cut us some slack as we figure this out – thanks!
Per our usual, 35 RV passes will be offered at $35 each. If you are pulling a camper into the event, you do not need to also purchase a vehicle pass, as the RV pass will cover the whole thing. We plan to better coordinate the placement of RVs this year to consolidate space, and you leave room in the back of the RV lots for our overflow vehicle parking.

COVID Policy
With events and other pandemic policies constantly changing and no way of knowing where we will be at by the time our event rolls around mid-July. After posting some strong requirements right off the bat, and knowing we would be able to potentially scale them back as the time got closer, we have decided to simply follow state guidelines for our Covid requirements, which may change at any time. Currently, there are no state requirements for vaccination or pre-testing for outdoor recreation events, although they are highly recommended, HOWEVER this may change depending on the way of the pandemic. If the MN Dept of Health imposes any changes or requirements, we will be following them. But at this time, proof of vaccination or testing pre-event will not be required for TTATC12.
Note that most other upcoming regional Burns still have strong requirements in place. Obviously, for the safety of yourself and our community, vaccination (plus a booster) is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for all attendees. At the event, feel free to ask others about their vaccination and/or test status if you wish, and then you can choose your social contacts/distance with others per your own comfort level. Clearly, if you are feeling ill or have any Covid symptoms at the time of the event, please stay home and don’t bring it to the rest of us! Even better yet, get/take a test before you come, so you know what’s up with you, FOR SURE!

OK… hopefully that all makes sense! Let me know if anything is unclear, with all my blabber, and we can hopefully clear it all up for everybody right off the bat! We anticipate that tickets will once again sell out, but we have no idea how fast (last year’s main sale tickets went QUICK), so don’t dilly dally when it’s GO TIME! If you don’t get a ticket, vehicle or RV pass during ticket sales, don’t panic, and know that tickets and passes tend to bounce around quite a bit before the event. As soon as ticket sales wrap up, we will be creating a Facebook group for people looking to purchase or sell TTATC12 tickets (please keep these requests in that particular group, and not on our main TTATCers group). We’re looking forward to all this ticket sale chaos wrapping up, hopefully smoothly, so we can get on with our crazy event planning beyond just ticketing! There’s sooo much more to it!
Let’s do this!
❤ Fire Mama