How are you feeling?!? 2020 and the whole world has been CRAZY! Ready for something FUN yet?!? I know I am! I hope you’re taking care of yourselves and each other. We’ll get through this, and come out even better on the other side, with an even greater appreciation for the GOOD STUFF. We’re gonna try really hard to make TTATC happen this year, and hope you are with us!
Here are the facts:
- We’ve pushed back the event dates to Aug. 27 – 30, 2020, with set up on Aug 26.
- We aren’t 100% sure that TTATC will happen this year, and are currently buying more time to figure that out. In an effort to keep moving forward, and start planning, we will proceed with ticket sales in a few weeks – exact dates TBA! If the event doesn’t end up actually happening, for whatever reason, we have a plan in place to work that out… more info about all that will come – stay tuned!
- In an effort to make TTATC manageable and even remotely possible this year, we’ve decided to limit attendance to 200, instead of the 500 as originally planned. This will allow for greater distancing, as desired, and will keep the event alive for this year. I know that many people have stated that they plan not to come this year anyways, and unfortunately that may include many members of our lead team and other crew. That’s definitely a logistic concern, and contributes to the reasoning for limiting attendance.
- With this smaller attendance number, we will be able to change a few major things (just for this year), such as not using transport vehicles from the gate, and allowing people to drive in, drop off their things at their camps, and then immediately move their cars to the parking area. With a smaller number of people, there should be enough space for everybody to park in our usual parking area, and not have to expand parking up to the Clubhouse. I apologize in advance for the hike back to your camps from parking, but you’ll be ok!
- I already know we’re going to be missing some of our long standing theme camps for this year, and that’s ok, and we understand! For the ones that still plan to come, we’ll be happy to see you, and will be contacting you shortly regarding your attendance status and directed ticket needs. In discussions with various camps, we know that projects and plans may be pared down this year, and that’s super cool. I know it’s hard to plan for something that we don’t know for sure will even happen, so take it easy on yourselves! It’s definitely a year of NO PRESSURE.
- In the spirit of keeping a bit of distance, we won’t be having a center camp space, or a formal, and there have been ideas on how to have several smaller effigy burns, rather than one big one, so that we can all gather in several spaces, rather than in one big group. Other creative solutions and ideas are still welcome, on how we can make this year distance-friendly, and as safe as possible, so keep em coming.
- We’ll still need people to fill some volunteer shifts, but with a smaller population, this can be a shorter list as well. We might have to limit our gate hours, or make other adjustments, but if I know one thing about Burners…. we can figure it out and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
- I’ve been in contact with the CGC (Caribou Gun Club), and they love and miss us. I’m confident that they will do all they can to help us make this happen. We’ll still make sure to get some firewood, and have a bug bomb! It will be interesting to see how the weather will be there in late August, and hopefully it cooperates better than last year! That was just crazy.
- This hasn’t been a normal year so far at all, and we already know this won’t be a normal TTATC, and that’s ok. Maybe for this year, we all just plan for a much more relaxed vibe, and …just go camping! I know that I would love some time out of the city, to spend a few nights in a tent, and to see some cool people. And maybe that’s all TTATC is this year, and that still sounds GREAT to me.
- Our next steps are to see how y’all are feeling about all this, check in with leads and crew, work out our ticket sale details, think about what else we can do to make this year as safe and smart as possible. We welcome feedback and ideas as we proceed.
THANK YOU for loving TTATC, and for all the support as we keep moving forward!
<3 Fire Mama